Friday, October 25, 2013

6th week at the MTC

October 18, 2103

Hello Family,

I cannot believe that it is P-Day already...time is just flying by here at the MTC. It is so strange because the days are really long, but the weeks are really short. In a little less than a month, I will be in the beautiful land of Korea! I cannot wait to serve the people there, but I am also grateful that I have more time to "master" the language and learn more about the gospel. This week has been relatively uneventful here at the MTC. 

My companion and I have been teaching our two investigators Bro. Jung and Bro. Kwon. Bro. Jung is asking a lot of questions in our lessons, which is a good thing because we can make sure that we are addressing his concerns. We asked him if he would prepare himself to be baptized, and from what I understood it sounds like he will. I hope he does because there is so much happiness involved with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bro. Kwon is not progressing as much, but I can tell that he is genuinely interested in learning about the gospel. It may take us longer, but I enjoy meeting with him and talking about the basics of the gospel. It really helps me spiritually because all I really know are the simple truths. 

Sister Thorne & Sister Chao
This past Tuesday, I had the opportunity to hear from Elder Dallin H. Oaks and Sis. Oaks. There talks were very powerful. Essentially, I know that the Lord has prepared all of us for the trials that we will encounter in this life. The Lord knows exactly where we are, what we feel, and what we can accomplish. All we have to do in order to succeed is to have faith and rely on Him, which is a terrifying concept when you think about it. No one really likes to think that they cannot do something on their own, but in reality we succeed in part because of Him. It has taken me a long time to realize this idea and I am still learning about it.


So the Korean sisters and I had a KPOP jam session on our way to gym the other day. It was hilarious because the Korean sisters were quite reserved before that moment, but for some reason they just decided to let loose around me. It was hilarious and now we have become close friends. I am actually quite sad that they are leaving this Monday for Pusan, but it also means that the next group of Koreans will be going to Seoul and Seoul South. Do you know what that means?! It means that I am almost done here at the MTC! Although it will be quite sad, I must say that I will not miss scrubbing toilets and sketchy stains out of urinals.

So one day while I was doing service, I was assigned to cleaning the vents in the bathroom ceilings. I thought the supervisor in charge was giving me a meaningless task because there was nothing else to do. Well, the other day I realized how important cleaning those vents are. I was in the bathroom stall and I look up and this big nasty spider started coming down. Oh my goodness, what do people do? Do they run or do they stay? Anyways, I won't get into the details but nothing is more terrifying than a spider greeting you during one of your most vulnerable moments.
I love you guys and I hope you are all doing well! I love you and cannot wait to hear from you!


Sis. Chao

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