Monday, July 28, 2014

안양....Transfer 5


Well, it is Transfer 5 in 안양 and I have to say that I am a bit excited. This past week, I said goodbye to Sis. Kelly and welcomed Sis. Nebeker. It definitely was sad to see Sis. Kelly go, but she is already enjoying herself in her new area. Her Korean is steadily improving because she has been practicing a lot with her companion.

So my new companion is Sis. Nebeker. She is not actually from Orem, but Salt Lake City. Apparently her father lives in Orem, Utah. Sis. Nebeker actually lived with Sis. Blickenstaff in 가정 house! Apparently that house is really nice and on the 30th floor. Crazy!!!

She is super nice and has a great attitude about missionary work. She is always striving to be obedient and has even pushed me to start running in the mornings. Oh how I dislike running. Haha, so I may actually become in shape this transfer in 안양! To be honest, I sit and stretch while she runs around the track. Don't worry, I promise I will do some speed walking or something. 

Other than that, this week has been really navigating how we can best work as companionship. I must say that at first it was a bit difficult, but that is because I am a weirdo. Sis. Nebeker always went to bed at 10:30 and I always talked after 10;30. Well, I am happy to announce that Sis. Nebeker and I have finally talked at was hilarious. Don't worry, I will still go to bed around 10:30, but it is nice to have small chats at night. Plus, that is when all the profound deep doctrinal, but not necessarily important when it comes to salvation questions. Haha. 

Sis. Nebeker also really loves organization and SWEETS! This will be a great companionship. Okay, back to spiritual things. Sis. Nebeker is a fantastic missionary. On her first day here, she was super bold and gave out a Book of Mormon to someone who had relatively no interest in the gospel. Well today, that lady called us and said she wanted to meet! How awesome is that?! I am so excited to meet with her and so is Sis. Nebeker. 

I guess I should call this an introduction to Sis. Nebeker because I have nothing really to talk about. Haha, it has been a bit of a whirlwind but I have loved every minute of it. There is something super special about being a missionary in Korea!

Yes! Miracle for this past week. We had ward council this past Wednesday and the bishop was explaining some things that the missionaries should be doing. Well, for some reason the elders did not understand so the bishop turns to me and tells me to translate for them. Well, I DID! My Korean is definitely improving and I am going to start having Sis. Nebeker SYL a lot more. 

-Sis. Chao

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